The Significance of Professional Cleanings for Dental Implants - One Dental

Even with meticulous daily cleaning of your dental implants, regular professional cleanings are essential for maintaining optimal oral health. At One Dental, we recommend professional cleanings every six months, although some patients, such as smokers, may need more frequent cleanings.

Why Professional Cleanings Matter:

  • Bacteria and Plaque Removal: Regular cleanings ensure the removal of bacteria and plaque buildup, preventing potential damage or infection around your dental implants.
  • Gum and Tissue Check: Our oral hygienists will assess the condition of your gums and tissues surrounding the implants, identifying and addressing any emerging issues.
  • Stain and Tartar Removal: During your professional cleaning at One Dental, we go the extra mile by removing your new teeth, soaking them in a specialised solution to eliminate stains and tartar, ensuring they stay pristine.

Daily Living with Carefree Dental Implants:

Choosing dental implants from One Dental offers years of nearly carefree talking and chewing after a brief healing period. Some key benefits include:

  • Convenient Maintenance: Dental implants offer the ultimate convenience in routine care and cleaning, requiring a similar approach to natural teeth.
  • Aesthetic Resemblance: High-quality dental implants closely resemble natural teeth, providing superior aesthetics compared to typical dentures.
  • Natural Functionality: Full mouth dental implants perform more like natural teeth, allowing spontaneous laughter and smiling without worrying about denture placement.

Cleaning and Care Instructions for Dental Implants:

Immediate Post-Procedure Care:

  • Follow specific care and cleaning instructions provided by your oral surgeon.
  • Avoid certain foods and adhere to a special oral hygiene routine during the initial weeks after implant placement.

Long-Term Care: The Right Way to Clean Your New Teeth at Home:

  • Brush your new teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristle brush, similar to caring for natural teeth.
  • Consider using an electric toothbrush after the initial healing period, as recommended by your dental professional.

Beyond the Toothbrush: Additional Tools to Consider:

  • Water Flossing Machine: Ideal for washing away food particles between the bridge and gums of dental implants.
  • Interdental or Proximal Brush: Specifically designed to clean beneath the bridge, complementing your oral hygiene routine.

At One Dental, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care and guidance for your dental implants. For more details and personalised recommendations, schedule a consultation with our expert team today.

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