Teeth Whitening

Brighten your smile in Peterborough with our Smile White Whitening service, using advanced techniques for safe and lasting results. Transform your teeth into a dazzling white, boosting your confidence with every smile.

  • Consultation to get your impressions
  • Whitening trays manufactured
  • Trays fitted and you are provided with whitening gel

Teeth Whitening


5 sTAR




Finance Options

Evening & Weekend




What Is Teeth Whitening For?

Teeth whitening procedures, designed to elevate the color and brightness of your teeth, have become a popular cosmetic treatment for achieving a more vibrant and radiant smile. This non-invasive procedure employs advanced whitening agents meticulously applied to the tooth surfaces, effectively targeting and reducing stubborn stains and discoloration. The process not only enhances the aesthetics of your smile but also promotes improved self-confidence. With the guidance of dental professionals, you can explore personalized teeth whitening options tailored to your specific needs and preferences, ensuring optimal results and a dazzling, confident smile.


Enhances your smile

Returns the confidence in your smile

Non-invasive, quick and effective

How Do I Know If I Need Teeth Whitening?

If your teeth show signs of discoloration, staining, or if you desire a brighter smile, teeth whitening can be the ideal solution. It is suitable for individuals looking to improve the overall appearance of their teeth.

What's The Process To Receive Teeth Whitening?

The teeth whitening process typically involves a consultation to assess your suitability for the treatment. Subsequently, a whitening agent is applied to the teeth, and in some cases, a special light may be used to enhance the whitening effects. The result is a rejuvenated and brighter smile.



Consultation to get your impressions


Whitening trays manufactured


Trays fitted and you are provided with whitening gel

Benefits Of Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening provides a variety of enhancements to your overall quality of life. It not only rejuvenates confidence in smiling for photos and public speaking but also contributes to improved oral health and enhances comfort in everyday activities like eating. The lasting effects of teeth whitening alleviate future concerns, offering a vibrant and rejuvenated solution to your cosmetic dental needs.

Teeth Whitening Aftercare

Our commitment to your dental well-being extends beyond the procedure. We are dedicated to providing continuous aftercare and support to ensure the longevity and excellence of your teeth whitening results.‍

But How Much Is Composite Bonding?

Given its transformative impact on dental aesthetics and effectiveness in addressing cosmetic imperfections, composite bonding is often regarded as a top-tier cosmetic dentistry option. While it is commonly perceived as an investment, our clinic, OneDental, leverages technological and dental advancements to provide composite bonding starting from as little as £XX per tooth!

Price Chart

opening times

Monday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday : By appointment only


Teeth Straightening
Smile Makeovers